The ambushed king (step by step)

1. Getting the idea

1. Getting the idea

2. Fleshing it out

2. Fleshing it out

3. Perspective and the fisheye

3. Perspective and the fisheye

4. Details and all that clutter

4. Details and all that clutter

5. Storytelling

5. Storytelling

6. Final sketch

6. Final sketch

7. Inking

7. Inking

8. Fixing the lineart

8. Fixing the lineart

9. Flat Colors

9. Flat Colors

10. Hide in the shade

10. Hide in the shade

11. Finishing touches

11. Finishing touches

The ambushed king (step by step)

A step by step I've prepared for 3D Total. I couldn't fit the entire description here, so you can read the entire article here